Our Disclaimer:
All episodes of EMPOWERED with Elizabeth Naumovski are recorded in the News Forum Network’s St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada studio. Comments expressed in each episode are those of the guest speakers and are not to be considered as specific advice tailored to the circumstances or a specific individual. Comments are intended to be general and for informational purposed only, based on information and conditions prevalent at the time of the recording. Viewers should not consider or place specific reliance on content presented as comprehensive advice, nor as an offer or solicitation to buy and/or sell securities. Individuals are strongly encouraged to seek professional advice specific to their circumstances. Market, economic, regulatory and political conditions and obligations change. EMPOWERED with Elizabeth Naumovski accepts no responsibility for individual decisions made based on reliance on the information presented in each episode.
On this episode:
Elizabeth is joined by Pat Dunwoody, Financial Services Consultant – Candies Kotchapaw, Founder & Executive Director of DYLOTT – and Barb Amsden, Founder of PQbd, to discuss the intent of cheque cashing and payday loans as an alternative to traditional bank services.
On this episode:
Elizabeth sits down with Julie Littlechild, CEO of Absolute Engagement, to discuss getting intentional about her experience with moving outside of her comfort zone and embracing decision making and risk in order to create her ideal life.
On this episode:
Elizabeth speaks with Taz Rajan, Community Engagement Partner at Bromwich+Smith, to discuss her journey and her relationship with money throughout her professional and personal life.
On this episode:
Elizabeth is joined by Kristine Besse, Founder & CEO of Untangle Money, to discuss financial planning in a way that decreases financial anxiety and provides financial clarity.
On this episode:
Elizabeth sits down with Ellie Maggio, Founder of Emend Management Consulting Inc., to discuss her success with empowerment in the workplace, and what employees – especially women – need in order to succeed and become empowered at work.
On this episode:
Elizabeth sits down with Ellie Maggio, Founder of Emend Management Consulting Inc., to discuss her success with empowerment in the workplace, and what employees – especially women – need in order to succeed and become empowered at work.
On this episode:
Elizabeth speaks with Tatyana Sabitova, National Coaching Leader at Deloitte Canada, to find out why mentoring is so important to empower female newcomers.th.
On this episode:
Elizabeth is joined by Jennifer Schell, Associate Portfolio Manager, Partner, and Portfolio Strategist at Treegrove Investment Management Inc., to discuss how someone can build their own wealth.
On this episode:
Elizabeth speaks with Barbara Gray, Entrepreneur and Equity Analyst at Brady Capital Research Inc., to discuss the balancing act for women between careers, families, and both professional and personal schedules.
All episodes of EMPOWERED are recorded in the Toronto & surrounding area, Ontario, Canada. Comments expressed in each episode are those of the guest speakers and are not to be considered as specific advice tailored to the circumstances of a specific individual. Comments are intended to be general and for informational purposes only, based on information and conditions prevalent at the time of recording. Viewers should not consider or place specific reliance on content presented as comprehensive advice nor as an offer or solicitation to buy and/or sell securities. Individuals are strongly encouraged to seek professional advice specific to their circumstances. Market, economic, regulatory and political conditions and obligations change. Finance Is Personal accepts no responsibility for individual decisions made based on reliance on the information presented in each episode.