Our Disclaimer:

All episodes of EMPOWERED with Elizabeth Naumovski are recorded in the News Forum Network’s St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada studio. Comments expressed in each episode are those of the guest speakers and are not to be considered as specific advice tailored to the circumstances or a specific individual. Comments are intended to be general and for informational purposed only, based on information and conditions prevalent at the time of the recording. Viewers should not consider or place specific reliance on content presented as comprehensive advice, nor as an offer or solicitation to buy and/or sell securities. Individuals are strongly encouraged to seek professional advice specific to their circumstances. Market, economic, regulatory and political conditions and obligations change. EMPOWERED with Elizabeth Naumovski accepts no responsibility for individual decisions made based on reliance on the information presented in each episode.


Trademark protection & patents. Protecting precious ideas & others. (Stephanie Vaccari)
Trademark protection & patents. Protecting precious ideas & others. (Stephanie Vaccari)
On this episode:

How many times have you come up with a great idea? I know that I get all of my great ideas just before I fall asleep or in the shower.

Money smart living – Meeting your debt obligations & FOMO (Kelley Keehn)
Money smart living – Meeting your debt obligations & FOMO (Kelley Keehn)
On this episode:

Joined with host Elizabeth Naumovski, financial literacy advocate, award-winning author & personal finance educator studio guest Kelley Keehn, talks about “money smart living”.

What age should you teach your kids about money & financial literacy? (Hasina Lookman)
What age should you teach your kids about money & financial literacy? (Hasina Lookman)
On this episode:

Host Liz Naumovski is joined by Hasina Lookman, Founder of, a company dedicated to helping Women & Children succeed by providing them knowledge about Money Management and Investing.

Cohabitation, separation and divorce and common mis-perceptions.(Georgina Carson)
Cohabitation, separation and divorce and common mis-perceptions.(Georgina Carson)
On this episode:

Partnered with MacDonald & Partners LLP studio guest Georgina Carson, joins host Elizabeth Naumovski and talks Cohabitation, Separation & Divorce, including frequently asked questions & common miss-perceptions.

When bad things happen to good people. Your financial emergency kit. (Barb Amsden)
When bad things happen to good people. Your financial emergency kit. (Barb Amsden)
On this episode:

Joining host Elizabeth, studio guest Consultant Barb Amsden, has spent the past 25 years working to improve the operational & service delivery, in the banking & investment parts of the financial industry, to try to make things just a little bit easier for savers and investors.

Fraud, scams, romance scams & protecting yourself. Look for the signs. (Jennifer Horner)
Fraud, scams, romance scams & protecting yourself. Look for the signs. (Jennifer Horner)
On this episode:

Host Elizabeth Naumovski talks with Constable Jennifer Horner, from Crime Prevention Services, Peel Regional Police.

The Finance of Divorce, dealing with finance & financial infidelity. (Jackie Porter)
The Finance of Divorce, dealing with finance & financial infidelity. (Jackie Porter)
On this episode:

To understand the finance of divorce or a common law split, host Elizabeth Naumovski speaks with studio guest Jackie Porter, an award winning Financial Planner & co-author of “Single by Choice or Chance”.

Psychology of Finance for Women or a Women’s Money Mind Set (Andrea Carter)
Psychology of Finance for Women or a Women’s Money Mind Set (Andrea Carter)
On this episode:

Host Elizabeth Naumovski speaks with Andrea Carter – CEO & Founder of Wealthy Woman Warrior about the psychology of finance or money mindset.

Debt & Budgeting – How do I get rid of my debt and create a budget? (Laurie Campbell)
Debt & Budgeting – How do I get rid of my debt and create a budget? (Laurie Campbell)
On this episode:

Host Elizabeth speaks with Laurie Campbell, CEO with Credit Canada Debt Solutions to help us understand women and debt, budgeting and living stress free.

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All episodes of Finance Is Personal are recorded in the Toronto & surrounding area, Ontario, Canada. Comments expressed in each episode are those of the guest speakers and are not to be considered as specific advice tailored to the circumstances of a specific individual. Comments are intended to be general and for informational purposes only, based on information and conditions prevalent at the time of recording. Viewers should not consider or place specific reliance on content presented as comprehensive advice nor as an offer or solicitation to buy and/or sell securities. Individuals are strongly encouraged to seek professional advice specific to their circumstances. Market, economic, regulatory and political conditions and obligations change. Finance Is Personal accepts no responsibility for individual decisions made based on reliance on the information presented in each episode.